Penulis Terbaik + Masa

poor KITTY...

Memperkenalkan ahli baru dalam rumah aku...
walaupun dah ada 3 ekor kitten skrg ni...
tambah lagi satu jadi 4...

Someone gave me this poor female kitty to take care...
baru berumur 3/4 minggu...
terpisah dari maknya...
berjalan pun tak betul lg...

She has very nice strip on her body...
macam british shorthair or bengal sikit...
dah besar mesti cantik ni...

Kitten ni still xboleh makan sendiri...
so, kene bagi minum susu guna botol susu...
so sweet kan...

For those yang terjumpa kitten yang masih kecil macam ni...
you guys should follow this steps:

1- keep the kitten warms. Place them near a hot water bottle wrapped in towel.

2- kittens need to be feed every 3-4 hrs. Please use goat's milk/soy milk /PETS OWN MILK/Milkadog. Dont give them cow's milk because cats are lactose intolerant.

‎3- make sure the kittens' belly are warmed before you feed them.

4- after feeding, stimulate their 'private part' with cotton balls/wet tissue so that they could pee and poo. newborn kittens cannot poo and pee by themselves.

Ok nak bagi kitten minum susu...
kakak2 & abg tiri dia masih jealous denga kehadiran "org baru" dalam rumah ni...
pantang berjumpa...
sure bising satu taman...

Kehidupan, and more:

poor KITTY... + Masa